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Used 1999 Oldsmobile Silhouette Consumer Reviews

4.4 out of 5 stars
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4.63 out of 5 stars

Very Pleased

Mike, 02/08/2006
1999 Oldsmobile Silhouette GL 4dr Ext Minivan
6 of 6 people found this review helpful

We bought our totally loaded Oldsmobile Silhouette GL new. It has everything a GLS has except leather. We've put 80,000 plus miles on it and we can't complain. It's been extremely reliable and economical. We've had to replace tires and the coil packs failed at around 60,000 miles. The intake gasket was replaced under warranty as a recall. Everything else has worked just fine. I changed the front brake pads myself at around 40,000 miles. The rears were done just recently. She's due for shocks and another set of tires, both of which are reasonable in my opinion. She's never left us stranded or even made as much as a hiccup while on the road. I've just done oil changes and regular maintenance for 80,000 miles and almost 7 years.

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3.38 out of 5 stars

buyer beward

nomorevans, 05/07/2005
1999 Oldsmobile Silhouette GLS 4dr Ext Minivan
3 of 3 people found this review helpful

I have owned this van for almost 4 years. During that time the power sliding door stopped working, the driver's side power window does not work properly. The passenger side seat belt has been replaced twice because it keeps shredding. We no longer have interior lights because of an electrical problem, which the dealership says is not their problem.

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4.5 out of 5 stars

Served Us Well

KentGA, 12/06/2008
1999 Oldsmobile Silhouette GLS 4dr Ext Minivan
3 of 3 people found this review helpful

Now have 168,000 miles on it and needed to replace a front wheel bearing recently. Still original tranny, at least since 83000 miles when I bought it. Going to sell it soon before I begin to put more money in it. Really have not had to put much in it besides the well documented problem of a leaking oil/coolant gasket. Has been the best van I have had (Chrysler, Ford are the others).

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3.63 out of 5 stars

Brake Trouble-Dealer won't help

Raymond Colley, 09/06/2005
1999 Oldsmobile Silhouette GL 4dr Ext Minivan
2 of 2 people found this review helpful

I bought my Oldsmobile Silhouette in 2000 and had no problems until about 30,000 miles. The driver's side front rotor was scored because the brake pad was worn unevenly. Took it to my dealer and was told I was driving incorrectly. The right front was fine, only the left was worn. So I had the left rotor, pads, and caliper replaced. At about 55,000 miles it did it again. Took it to three dealers and they told me the same thing. I wish I knew what I was doing wrong! (LOL) After talking to several GM mechanics, I found this is not an unusual problem with this van. Everything else works fine-but every 25,000 miles I had to replace the brake pads-I can't afford a new rotor each time.

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2.75 out of 5 stars

Not Pleased

kds, 01/02/2006
1999 Oldsmobile Silhouette GS 4dr Minivan
2 of 2 people found this review helpful

This piece of junk is the last GM product that will ever darken my driveway. I have 39,000 miles on my Oldsmobile Silhouette and just outside of the 3-year waranty period it dropped the transmission. After doing some research I found that this was a fairly common problem caused by a known defect in one of the solenoids in the transmission. GM provided no assistance and it cost me $3,500 to get repaired. Run don't walk from this thing.

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