Saab value appraisal
A quick guide to the Saab value tool
What is Edmunds True Market Value®? Edmunds True Market Value® (TMV®), also known as Edmunds Suggested Price, is a pricing system that helps you determine the average transaction price — or what others are paying — for new or used vehicles in your area so that you can begin your negotiations with a fair price in mind. For customers appraising their vehicles for sale, Edmunds TMV helps you understand how much you might expect to receive when you sell.
We determine those prices based on a variety of factors, including actual transaction data from dealers. CarMax is one of the dealers from which Edmunds obtains transaction data.
Edmunds has been a wholly owned subsidiary of CarMax, Inc. since June 2021. However, other than the incorporation of CarMax's transaction data by Edmunds into TMV® calculations, CarMax does not participate in or otherwise influence the manner in which Edmunds computes those values.
How Saab values are calculated: To calculate Edmunds True Market Value® (TMV®) for your Saab, we use data from a variety of sources, including dealer transactions, depreciation costs for unique vehicles, and consumer information. The appraised value is based on factors such as the year of the Saab, the model, trim, mileage, depreciation and features.
Which Saab vehicles can be appraised: Just about every Saab is covered. The tool appraises vehicles dating back to 1990, so if you own a classic car, this method will not work. In that specific case, you'd need to find a specialized classic car guide, such as Hagerty, to determine its fair market value.