Tesla home charging with a Level 1 charger
The most obvious way to charge your Tesla at home is with a Level 1 mobile charger. This method uses a household-style 120-volt outlet and a Tesla mobile EV charging cord. These charging cords don't require any sort of equipment installation, but you do have to buy one since they don't come standard with the purchase of a Tesla anymore. You can easily purchase one from Tesla for around $230.
Although convenient, recharging with a 120-volt power source will take a long time. Tesla says you can add up to 3 miles of range per hour with this mobile charging cord. Charging your Tesla using this method is simple. First, you'll want to ensure you're using the correct adapter for your outlet. After confirming you have the right one, connect the adapter to the controller (the big box) of the mobile charging cord. Then plug the adapter into the power outlet. Finally, plug the charging handle into your Tesla's charge port. A pulsating green light should emit from your charge port indicator if everything is connected properly. To unplug, simply press and hold the button on the handle, wait for the indicator light to turn white, and then remove the connector from the port.
A Level 1 charger might suffice if your commutes are usually short, but if you're constantly depleting your range in large amounts, then recharging overnight at a rate of 3 miles per hour will not cut it. That's when a Level 2 charger can be beneficial.