People @ Edmunds

Alison Alison Alison Alison


Edmunds employee since 2006

What is the coolest thing about working at Edmunds?

ROWE! At Edmunds family and work life don’t need to be balanced, they can co-exist.

Tell us about your favorite Edmunds memory?

A doctor I visited noticed Edmunds on my insurance card and proceeded to tell me with excitement why he is a power user of our site. It was a great sense of pride in the products we work hard to create for the consumers.

What do you like to do for fun?

I love to entertain family and friends with frequent home cooked meals. I love home design projects and free time with my kids. I'm an avid reader of novels, magazines, cookbooks, and an occasional newspaper when my personalized clipping service/husband forwards a good link. For me, getting lost in a good book is a virtual vacation. When I venture out in real life, planning and enjoying vacations with my family is something I take very seriously. And in between, I Spin. No real bikes (for the equilibrium-challenged!), but maybe a marathon one day?

Tell us about your first car:

My first car was a 1994 Honda Accord.

Tell us about what you currently drive:

I currently drive a 2010 Chevy Traverse.