Table of Contents


Support Topics:

The widget will not load on a dealer's site
In order for the Edmunds CarCode widget to load on the dealer's website, the script has to be installed as-is.

  • Confirm the script link ID is correct and there are no added spaces

The widget still won't load, or loads intermittently
Under certain circumstances Edmunds may disable the widget from rendering, please reach out to the website specialist who provided you with the instructions to confirm if the widget is disabled.

  • If the widget loads intermittently, confirm that there has not been CSS styling adding to the script, the script should be installed as-is.

The widget needs to be moved on the dealer's site
The CarCode widget placement for the standard floating button is controlled on by Edmunds Implementation Team. To request that the button placement be moved please forward the dealer's request along with the specified placement indicated to

Placement options include:

  • Side Left Center
  • Side Right Center
  • Side Lower Left
  • Side Lower Right
  • Bottom Left
  • Bottom Center
  • Bottom Right

Offsets for X and Y may also be provided for additional positioning relative to placement.

The widget is not pulling in VIN data
The CarCode widget retrieves information for a VIN through the Data attributes passed in. Ensure the values are correct for data-vin. If the VIN data is still not pulling in, please send an email to

Example SDK button with data-vin attribute:

<a class="sms-button"
data-model="Golf R"
data-status="New">Text Us</a>

Carcode Script Instructions Overview


1. Install the script into the header/head tag

     <script src='' type='text/javascript' async defer ></script> 

CarCode "SDK" Software Developers Kit Overview

Click here to view our online Software Developers Kit!

Please make sure that the following default CarCode widget script is already installed in the webpage header/head tag.

If the CarCode widget script is not already installed, please add it to the webpage.

Create button artwork that says "Text Us" to add to the vehicle details pages (VDP) and search results pages (SRP).


<a class="sms-button"
data-href="sms:[+1 TEXT_NUMBER]"
data-status="[NEW_OR_USED]">Text Us</a>


<a class="sms-button"
data-status="NEW">Text Us</a>
 <a class="sms-button" href="sms://[TEXT_NUMBER]" data-make="[MAKE]" data-model="[MODEL]" data-vin="[VIN_CODE]" data-year="[YEAR]" data-status="[NEW_OR_USED]">Text Us</a> 
  1. Replace [TEXT_NUMBER] above with dealer's CarCode #+1[Insert Sales Number]
  2. Replace all other items above in [brackets] with query that pulls or passes those items into the code
  3. Text Us can be customized (examples: Text Us, Text Sales, Text ABC Ford)
  4. Remove the brackets once the correct data has been placed

On every page, where there is a Carcode script, add the following script into the tag section or where raw HTML widgets are installed.

** Please note: Custom TEXT button scripts will also show the floating button, if the dealer wishes to hide this portion, utilize Script B.

Script A:

<script type='text/javascript'>   window.__carcode = {     skipButton: false, /*doesn't attach default floating button to page*/     ready: function() { /*fires when the Carcode configured widget script below is loaded and ready */       var widget = new CarcodeWidget(),       buttons = document.querySelectorAll(".sms-button");       for (var i = 0; i < buttons.length; i++) {         buttons[i].onclick = widget.clickHandler;       }     }   }; </script> 

Script B:

     <script type='text/javascript'>   window.__carcode = {     skipButton: true, /*doesn't attach default floating button to page*/     ready: function() { /*fires when the Carcode configured widget script below is loaded and ready */       var widget = new CarcodeWidget(),       buttons = document.querySelectorAll(".sms-button");       for (var i = 0; i < buttons.length; i++) {         buttons[i].onclick = widget.clickHandler;       }     }   }; </script>